What are the biggest SEO trends in 2019 – part 2

As we said before, in this post, the world of SEO is constantly changing. Anyone who works with the search engine optimization needs to be always curious and updated on this matter. In the first part of this article, we talked about voice search, mobile indexing and link earning. Now, we are here to complement these statements and talk about understanding what the audience wants,


Focus on what the audience wants


A good user experience continues to be one of Google’s biggest goals. Giving users the content they’re looking for, with no distractions, and in the most original and fastest way possible has always been their ultimate goal for which we also recommend to check services like https://www.promo-advertising.co.uk/media-types/bus. That is, for your page to benefit from this, find out what your audience likes and focus on it. It is important to remember that their favorite type of content is in text. It can also be audio or video, for example. Your audience may like more or less images or other elements as well.


You can find out more about your audience’s preferences in a number of ways. Observing user behavior via Google Analytics or other software that performs this type of analysis can be a good way to get started. By using this type of tool, you can analyze page by page within your website and see how far your audience is reading.


See also what types of content most catch their attention via posts on social media, which ones are the most shared, clicked and read. But, of course, also experiment to discover new formats and keep your content innovative and engaging.


There’s life beyond the Google


Yes, when it comes to SEO, it is likely that the first thought that comes to mind is the relationship with Google’s search and rankings. But it is important to also keep in mind that there is more to it. If your prospects, leads or potential customers of the brands you work with, are looking for apps that relate to the product or service they sell, for example, you need to be well ranked in app stores too.


If people are looking for podcasts or videos, the reasoning is the same – you need to be well ranked and have good ratings also in the podcasts and video aggregators.


Good content is the key.


Having SEO knowledge today is very important, yes. Paying attention to the technical aspects, so that the reader or potential customer reaches your page or application as well. But to build a strong brand and image on the internet (and, as a consequence, outside of it), retaining this audience and, of course, still being well ranked by Google, you need to have quality content. Good depth content.


Since 2018, Google’s algorithm has been updated to evaluate and qualify pages according to the quality and depth of that content. That is, it is not enough just to update your website or blog just to keep it active. This trend should be stronger and stronger in 2019.


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