To write or not to write, that is the question

Its been over one year since I last wrote a blog post on my own website. I know it’s difficult to find the time to write when I too am working extremely hard for my clients. While in the meantime, chasing them for blog posts instead of me writing one for myself. hahaha.

Another thing you should know about my SEO business is that clients have to provide content. I do not write for them. So that’s why clients need to either hire a copywriter ( I can recommend some excellent writers) or they write themselves. Learn more about business management by checking this paystub generator review.

The best content in my suggestion is that the client writes the content themselves for their own website. It’s because they know their own business best and they have all the knowledge and experience about their industry.

Writers, on the other hand, are awesome at producing content, but it is not always the absolute knowledge that you have as a business owner as you have the experience and you’re expert in your own field. So the meaning of the content may not be what you want to produce to readers. Even though it saves you time and gains SEO rankings when the post is optimized properly. You can learn more abut how you can boost your business using this guide on how to streamline your payroll system.

So to write or not to write, that still remains the question.